Living with Nuclear Weapons in 2020 | By Vikrant Sharma

Living with Nuclear Weapons in 2020 By Vikrant Sharma Founder-Editor, The Global Telescope We live in the midst of weaponry that can decimate entire countries. Fortunately for us, such weapons have been used only twice- to level two cities known as Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan in August 1945. It has been 75 years since then and the capabilities of such weapons has only increased in that duration. Even though there have been instances when major powers have come to the brink of nuclear disaster- the infamous Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 at the peak of the Cold War being the prime example- the world has collectively been smart enough to avoid the use of nuclear weapons. So, 75 years after the only time in history when atom bombs were used, where do we stand today with respect to nuclear weapons? Let’s analyse. The two major holders of nuclear weapons, by a large margin, are Russia and USA- a legacy of the Cold War. But the two also serve as a prime example of the principle of...